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OSLO ~ Biodanza workshop ~ Masculine and Feminine Union ~ Awakening our vital, erotic, creative and loving energy of Life

Fra 10. desember 2022
til 11. desember 2022

Adresse: Scenehuset, Bogstadveien 49, 0366 OSLO

Velkommen til Biodanza Workshop med Unni (English tekst below)

Inner Union of the Divine Masculine and Feminine

Awakening our vital, sexual, erotic, creative and loving energy of Life

Sted: Scenehuset, Bogstadveien 49 i Oslo
Lørdag 10. desember klokken 11:00 – 19:00
Søndag 11. desember klokken 11:00 – senest 17:30

Starten på det store skiftet i livet mitt var farget av en ubalanse av min indre maskuline og feminine essens.

Som barn av vår tid hadde også jeg to svært umodne deler inne i meg. Den indre umodne feminine var undertrykket av en umoden og ubevisst maskulin kraft.

Veien hjem til å hele begge disse startet. Og de siste 20 årene har vært et dyp-dykk i denne tematikken; en heling og oppvåkning av disse universelle og essensielle sidene i oss.

Nå inviterer jeg deg til å være med på en helg der denne livgivende dynamikken står i fokus.  


I vivencia danser og vekker vi hver og en av de essensielle prinsippene. Vi vekker dem hver for seg, og vi vekker den livgivende pulseringen av polaritetene og det gjensidige samspillet av den universelle feminine og maskuline energien.

Vivencias i linjen vitalitet, seksualitet, kreativitet, affektivitet vil alle preges av denne utforskningen. 

  • Livsenergi
  • Seksuell energi, nytelse, tiltrekning, avvisning, samskapelse og union
  • Kjærlighet
  • Kreativitet

Det feminine og det maskuline er med-dansere. De er elskere inne i hver og en av oss, og inne i alt vi er en del av.

Vi kommer også til å lære om den feminine og den maskuline essens, både energetisk, fysisk og eksistensielt, samt den umodne maskuline, den umodne feminine, den bevisste maskuline, den bevisste feminine, den hellige maskuline og den hellige feminine. Og vi kommer til å lære om nullpunktet, yin og yang og initieringen av liv. 


Hvem kan delta:

Du må ha erfaring med biodanza fra før for å delta på denne workshopen. Ta kontakt dersom du har et stort ønske om å være med selv om du har lite erfaring, så finner vi ut sammen om dette er et kurs som kan passe deg der du er i livet ditt nå. 


Normal pris: Kr 1500

Studenter/Trygdede: Kr 1200

Om læreren Unni Heim:

Unni is a warm and sensitive facilitator. She grew up in Tromsø, but has lived most of her adult life in Oslo or around the world. Since the year 2000, she has been on a deeply transformative journey, both personally and professionally. She works full time with dance, meditation and human development, and has been invited to teach in several countries in Eastern, Southern, Central and Northern Europe as well as South Africa and Bali.
Bringing people together to support our deeper life journey is her greatest passion.

Unni is also the founder of Biodanza i Norway, and she is the founder and co-director of Norsk Biodanzaskole (the school training new biodanza teachers).



Welcome to Biodanza Workshop with Unni

Inner Union of the Divine Masculine and Feminine
Awakening our vital, sexual, erotic, creative and loving energy of Life

Venue: Scenehuset, Bogstadveien 49 in Oslo
Saturday, December 10 at 11:00 - 19:00
Sunday 11 December at 11:00 - no later than 17:30

The beginning of the life changing shift in my life was colored by a great imbalance of my inner masculine and feminine essence.

As a child of our time, I also had two very immature parts inside me. The inner immature feminine was suppressed by an immature and unconscious masculine force.

The road home to heal both of these started. And the last 20 years have been a deep dive into this theme; a healing and awakening of these universal and essential aspects of us.

Now I invite you to join a weekend where this life-giving dynamic is in focus.

In vivencia we dance and awaken each and every one of the essential principles. We awaken them individually, and we awaken the life-giving pulsation of the polities and the mutual interplay of the universal feminine and masculine energy.

Vivencias in the line of vitality, sexuality, creativity, affectivity will all be characterized by this exploration.

Life energy
Sexual energy, pleasure, attraction, rejection, co-creation and union
The feminine and the masculine are co-dancers. They are lovers inside each and every one of us, and inside everything we are a part of.

We will also learn about the feminine and the masculine essence, both energetically, physically and existentially, as well as the immature masculine, the immature feminine, the conscious masculine, the conscious feminine, the holy masculine and the holy feminine. And we will learn about the zero point, yin and yang and the initiation of life.

Who can participate:

You must have previous experience with biodanza to participate in this workshop. Get in touch if you have a great desire to join even if you have little experience, and we will find out together if this is a course that can suit you where you are in your life now.

Normal price: NOK 1500

Students / Social Security: NOK 1200

About the teacher Unni Heim:

Unni is a warm and sensitive facilitator. She grew up in Tromsø, but has lived most of her adult life in Oslo or around the world. Since the year 2000, she has been on a deeply transformative journey, both personally and professionally. She works full time with dance, meditation and human development, and has been invited to teach in several countries in Eastern, Southern, Central and Northern Europe as well as South Africa and Bali.
Bringing people together to support our deeper life journey is her greatest passion.

Unni is also the founder of Biodanza i Norway, and she is the founder and co-director of Norsk Biodanzaskole (the school training new biodanza teachers).




Full pris biodanza workshop: 1.500 kr

Stud/trygd pris biodanza ws: 1.200 kr

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